Friday, August 19, 2011

Why Blogger Is The Best Blogging Platform

Not all users want to have a self hosted wordpress blog and just want to be able to share their posts with the world, friends and family. Some migh has the wordpress has better plug-ins and so on. But you need wordpress self hosted to do so. The advantages of blogger are:

  • Stability - Blogger is always online and up and running.
  • Simplicity - All you need to do is create a Google Accound and you can host a blog on the blogspot sub domain or on your own domain from company.
  •  User Interface - With Google being the company behind blogger it is no wonder that blogger has an easy to use interface with clear navigation. 
  • Creativity - Blogger now allows you to easy edit your blog template with no coding skills required using the Blogger Template Designer. You can change almost anything about your blog easily and quickly. If you still want the full level of customization you can edit the html directly as well as installing thousands of templates that are on the web.
  • Free - Blogger never costs money.
The video below shows what great things blogger is doing.
      Conclusion: Blogger is the best platform for personal use and if far better for that purpose but if you want an advanced CMS than Word Press is your solution.